What is the APP?
The Advance Payments Program (APP) is a Government of Canada program which supports the provision of cash advances to producers across Canada.
Why should I use the APP?
Created for farmers, this ag-mazing program allows you to borrow at low rates, repay as you sell, and market your product when prices are most advantageous.
When can I get the APP?
Financing available year round providing up to 18 months of financing for over 4,000 different commodities such as grains and oilseeds, vegetables, livestock, ginseng, hemp, and even potted plants.
How much can I borrow?
Eligible companies can receive up to $250,000 in the 2024 Program Year or $100,000 in the 2025 Program Year interest-free, with an additional $750,000 or $900,000 available at Prime Interest Rate, for a total of $1,000,000.
How can I get the APP?
For more information about the APP or to process an application over the phone, call ACC toll-free at 1-888-278-8807.
More Details
- Operating capital for crop inputs
- $1,000,000 Loan Maximum
- First $250,000 for 2024 or $100,000 for 2025 - Interest-free / Balance @ Prime
- Financing up to 18 months (includes enrollment in storage component)
- The loan rate is calculated at approximately 50% of the projected farm gate value
- Loan calculations are related to Production Insurance Guarantee, AgriStability Reference Margin, ASRA Reference Margin or quantity of product in storage
- Farm-fed grains and silage are not eligible
- Repayment as crop is marketed - supported by receipts after Jan 31st
- Repayment commodity specific
- Deadline to repay: December 30th in case of non- storable crops
- Can transfer balance to APP storage before December 30th