What is the CLP?

The Commodity Loan Program (CLP) was developed in 1992 to assist Ontario farmers in financing their crop planting, cultivating, and harvesting expenses.

Why should I use the CLP?

Access to lower cost financing, supplementing cash flow throughout the year, while paying less interest. Up to 22 months for repayment.

When can I get the CLP?

Generally funding is available beginning in December of each year and dependent on what you are producing in the current year.

How much can I borrow?

Eligible companies can receive up to $750,000 at Prime Interest Rate per year.

How can I get the CLP?

For more information about the CLP or to process an application over the phone, call ACC toll-free at 1-888-278-8807.

More Details

  • Available to Ontario Producers
  • Operating capital for crop inputs
  • $750,000 Loan Maximum
  • 100% approved limit @ Prime
  • Financing up to 22 months (includes enrollment in storage component)
  • Amount borrowed is geared to ‘actual’ cash costs of operation @ 70/75% of farm gate value
  • Loan calculations are related to Production Insurance Guarantee
  • Farm-fed component included
  • Repayment as crop is marketed (no receipts required)
  • Farm-fed grains/silage (Nov-Feb)
  • Deadline to repay: September 30th
  • Can transfer balance to CLP storage before December 30th

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